Thursday, October 27, 2011

Morning run in Eastern Europe

  • Jerad and I went for our first morning run since being here.  He went 5 minutes and I made it about 30 minutes.  It felt so GOOD to be out to stretch my lungs and legs.  Plus everything frosted over last night so the leaves were falling off the trees and the sun was glistening off of the was quite heavenly.  
  • We talked to Leah last night and told her we would go shopping today for some souvenirs for Autum and her.  We asked if she had any ideas/suggestions...she said she wanted some of those 'blue shoe coverings' we wear in all our pictures at the orphanage!!  Haha, Jerad said we could do that for sure! :)
  • We have eaten chicken in some type of form for the past 7 days.  Jerad is afraid he's going to start sprouting feathers!
  • I am beginning to realize why we had kids.  Jerad needs someone to pester and I realized the girl's take that attention off of me.  Now that they aren't here, I'm receiving the brunt end of his need to irritate people.  If he comes up behind me and sticks his fingers in my ribs one more time...I've already threatened that he and Shawn are going to start bunking together if he continues on... :)
  •  We finally found a type of cheese that we like...and have almost eaten the whole chunk.
  • We are realizing that a radiator is fantastic at drying clothes.  We could probably go without drying our clothes all the time at home, I'm actually starting to get used to hanging them to dry. 
  • I discovered the best chocolate and coconut candy bar.  It is crunchy deliciousness!
  • We are one day closer to finding out when all of our court dates are. 
  • We were followed all around the grocery store/market by the security guard.  They are everywhere in these stores.

So the girls will get blue shoe covers and their very own Matroyshka dolls.

Here are some snapshots of our morning visit!
He is starting to throw fits now when we don't give him anymore's his little sad face
Then a quick redirecting and he's happy again!
This is how he sits 'comfortably' to play! Ha!

Where's the ball??

This afternoon he was so GRUMPY.  I'm guessing he didn't get a nap.  He just laid on the floor and fussed and didn't want much interaction, so I didn't get a lot of good pictures.  I was too busy trying to comfort him.  I'm just hoping he's not getting sick, his little cheeks were so rosy.  He let me hold him and comfort him for a while, then he pushed me away and wanted to roll around on the floor--so that is something we will have to continue to work on.  Trust.  I feel like he and I are learning the same lessons right now!
He found this shelf and couldn't get enough of these guitars!

...and this is how most of the visit went.

 This picture is really dark,but I LOVE the lights in this playroom.


  1. Love those nesting dolls, the girls will love them!

  2. What a little DOLL you have!! He is so adorable!!! And I LOVE what you said about your husband pestering you...we have no kids, and I can't WAIT for Jake to start pestering someone else!! I completely understand :)

    Thanks for leaving your blog for me! Glad to finally be following along!!
