Sunday, July 3, 2011

21 Day Challenge-Workout 21-The orphans of Reece's Rainbow

Baby Nadine.

Leah and I are Prayer Warriors for this little gal.  When I first learned of Reece's Rainbow I figured that adopting a child was out of the question...which may be what many of you feel.  So Leah and I wrote the director and asked to be a Prayer Warrior.  They assigned us to this little gal, Nadine.  She is little, it is not very often that RR gets pictures of children this young.  What a cutie! 

So if you would like to help in any way, or have been touched by these children, then the least you and your family could do was be a Prayer Warrior for a little child.  Your only pledge is to pray for this child until a family comes along to adopt him or her.  You pray for his/her well-being, care, and future. You entrust him/her to God's hand and you trust and obey.  So if you do feel a heart-tug to these children..please pray.
Thanks for joining me on this journey of 21 days.  It has been amazing to see you all work hard and be inspired by these children's faces.  I'm so blessed by all of your determination and efforts.  Way to go!  I will leave the workouts posted for another 21-days so you can return to them as needed.  I hope to do another challenge this fall, so stay tuned.
Have a Happy 4th of July!!


  1. Anna,
    Thanks for challenging me to take the steps to get back in shape and inspiring me with these children! You, your family, your new son, and the many more new sons and daughters of Reece's Rainbow are truly a gift!

    I went back to my first post workout and I changed my time from 7 minutes to 4:20. Wow! Who would of thought!

  2. Not sure how I got a day behind. I am doing the "repeat day 1" workout after my run/walk. I'll let you know if I get any faster!

    This has been a great challenge Anna...I love hearing the different stories and seeing the babies' faces! Thanks for sharing your heat with us!

    I also needed help staying focused during all the stress of preparing to move. I haven't seen any "results" in the physical "I lost inches (or pounds)" realm, but I feel good...and that's what matters to me! I'm gonna try to keep going with these (repeat!) thru next week! ALso hope to take my sisters the pool daily for lap swim NEXT a "packing" break! It's been almost 35 years since we were all working out in the same pool at the same time together (LOL! I was 10 yrs old--gasp--when my oldest sis graduated from HS and went to swim at college instead of at our team's HQ. Blast from the past!! Should be fun next week) =)

  3. I can't say I really did the whole 21 day challenge. Did all the workouts, but not on the proper days and sometimes 2 in 1day to catch up (ie, I ran yesterday and did this workout today). I did the 5 sets in 3min (gosh could have surely fit that in yesterday?). Didn't time myself the first day. Need to keep up the weight training, got some new workouts to use from this. Thanks! Will cont to pray for the kids of RR and your family with Blake.
