Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fundraising Final Push Totals

Change Drive:  Okay, so we finished up our week-long change drive this past week...and our total for it was:
It's amazing how much that change adds up.  Thank you to those who emptied out their pockets for us, we are so thankful for you. (and so is Blake)

Then...we had our BIG TV GIVEAWAY drawing Friday night at half-time of the HHS Football game.  Our TV Giveaway winner was Tammy Wintermote, a Hillsboro local.  She has been praying for our family and this adoption since the beginning, and I am so blessed and thrilled that she and her family won the TV.  What an amazing God we serve!  So thankful for that.

Here is Leah drawing the winner's name at halftime of the game.
We were able to raise almost $1179 total!  Thank you to the gracious folks who donated the TV to our cause, we love you so much! (you know who you are)

That pretty much wraps up our pre-planned fundraising efforts before we leave.  We are anxiously awaiting a travel date, and respecting and honoring God's perfect timing.  We will still be able to receive donations through the Reece's Rainbow button set-up on our blog, it is tax-deductible, and will be posted until we land on US soil with Blake, so if you are waiting for us to receive official word that he is our man, stay tuned!  We should have court and get guardianship of Blake after about 2 weeks of being in Eastern Europe.  (if all goes as planned)   So be in prayer for that as well. 

Thank you and we are blessed by your faithfulness and support of our adoption of Blake.  I hope the next blog post I make is announcing when we will be traveling!!! :)




  1. YAHOO!!!!! This is such fantastic news. Can't wait to hear when your SDA appt is.

  2. I was out of town and I love it that Miss Tammy won the tv!!!!!!!!!
    Congrats to her and her entire fam!!!!
