Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Resume'

Recently a friend of mine quit his health and fitness job, which has been his passion and interest for most of his professional career.  He is very gifted at teaching and encouraging others to believe in themselves to get stronger and healthier.  Well, he is now working a job for a gas company, something completely foreign to him (as far as I know) and completely unrelated to the health and fitness world. 

This has got me thinking...all I've known the past 10 years has been: Exercise.  Health.  Fitness.  I have not really strayed much beyond these themes.  I have caught myself wondering what type of job I would be able to do, other than what I'm doing now.  Somedays I feel so out of touch with the professional world, from spending the majority of my time with a 6, 2, and 1-year old.  I do work out of the house 2 days a week, but I hardly consider it work because I LOVE it so much!  Plus, its health-related.  So...Jerad and I were discussing what my job searching would look like, right now, if I had to go out and seek a new line of work...

Here's what he had to say:

1) NO bank jobs for you...math has never been a forte' for me, only if they need a custodian...then he almost retracted that answer after looking around our living room...

2) Ummm, nothing that requires super-organization skills...he still doesn't understand my current organization system...heck, I know where everything is, that's all that matters, right??

3) Find something that requires incredible multi-tasking've got that down!  This was spoken as I was cooking lunch for he and I, feeding the 2 little's, emptying the dishwasher, and folding clothes...just a typical day's work around here! :)

4) NO cubicles, tight spaces, and lots of sitting. Nope, no way.

5) Nothing that requires you to have to iron, or for that matter wear anything other than workout clothes!

Here's what I envision my resume' to look like:

- Can carry 2, 30 lb. squirming, screaming kids under each arm, in and out of the grocery store, at a near sprint.
- Can change 2 dirty diapers in under 1 minute.
- Can reason with any 6-year old out there.
- Can find any missing shoe or sock in any place.
- Can still hold a conversation with the person next to me in a van full of crying, screaming kids, without blinking an eye.
- Can understand 1 year-old jibberish from behind a pacifier.
- Can sprint home pushing a stroller, 1 mile from the park, in under 10 minutes!
- Knows how to remove any clothing stain.
- Can heal any 'ouchies' with one kiss.
- Can go up and down the big slide at the pool with 3 kids, for 2 hours straight.
- Has at least 10 children's books memorized.
- Can disguise any vegetable as something else.

- Natural child-birth, enough said.  Am ready for anything.

I honestly don't know what type of job I would pursue, if I had the option.

--I could not work in a restaurant business because if someone didn't eat all the food I prepared and served, they would find themselves doing extra dishes after dinner.

--I couldn't work in a sporting goods or apparel store because I'd never bring home a paycheck.  Probably wouldn't do well working in a shoe store either. :)

--I couldn't work at a daycare, that is pretty much what I do already.

--Sales? Nope. "This is what I'm you like it?  If not, that's okay...just thought I'd ask...thanks!"

--Hair stylist?  Nope. HATE hairspray.

--Veterinarian...maybe...but not a huge fan of cats.  Would bring home too many dogs and horses, though.

We had a good laugh about this conversation.  But it definitely got me thinking.  I'd be interested to know what types of jobs you all would be doing if weren't in the field you are now.

Jerad said he'd own a bait shop on a lake...clean bathrooms and beer are all you need to be successful! Hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. I like how Jerad loves the simple things in life for his "dream" job. Haha! Cute post - i can relate to so many of your job qualifications and list of jobs not to even attempt. Best wishes as you tackle the kids and family tri this weekend!
    - Amy
