This little gal, our youngest, turned 4...and started attending preschool 2 mornings a week...whoa! How did this happen? Well, our shyest child. The most nurturing. Biggest home body. Sweetest little old soul. Child...kept insisting she needed to go to school like Blake and I told her we'd give it a try...
Day 1..."I be a big girl, mom.." I believe she was up by 6 am ready to roll her first day. Asking when it was time. What she should wear. How long I would leave her...and on and on. We went through several pairs of pants deciding on the perfect outfit for that first day. Finally deciding on boot cut jeans...only after throwing her skinny jeans across the room in disgust because her "legs don't do skinny jeans!!!" (hmmmm, oops...not sure where she heard that one...)
Fast forward to 2 1/2 weeks later (present day)...
Night before...wailing...."I dooooooon't waaaaaaaannnnna goooooooo....pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mommy....noooooo, I just stay home with youuuuu....." (big alligator tears...cutting through those big black eyes that will make you give into anything she asks)...
Well, her reasoning for never wanting to go back is simple...
1) They do not offer peanut butter and jelly as an alternative lunch either eat, or you don't.
2) They do NOT have snack time.
3) They make you lie down and rest for a short naptime.
4) There are too many boys in her class...
5) They do stupid dances.
We are working through these issues...haha! Asking her to continue to attend in hopes she will begin to like it.
But as for now, she summed it up well yesterday, when she told another lady who asked if she liked preschool...
"No, I don't. I'm only going for the candy mommy gives me when she picks me up..."
You do what you gotta do...